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Stryker 0.8 release

ยท 2 min read
Nico Jansen
Stryker Team

Stryker 0.8 just released with better CI integration and configurable thresholds.

For the entire changelog per package:

Better CI integrationโ€‹

Original PR

It's now possible to let your build fail based on your mutation score. The way to do this is to make sure stryker runs inside your (nightly) build and configure the threshold.break value:

// stryker.conf.js
// ...
thresholds: {
break: 70, // Fail if mutation score < 70
// ..
// ...

This will break the build if your mutation score falls below 70%.

[2017-08-11 13:46:10.190] [ERROR] ScoreResultCalculator - Final mutation score 66.97 under breaking threshold 70, setting exit code to 1 (failure).
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! stryker@0.8.0 stryker: `node bin/stryker run`

Want to know what a 'mutation score' is? See our faq.

Configurable color thresholdsโ€‹

Original PR

The clear-text and html reporters now honor configured high and low thresholds. You once again configure it using the thresholds config option:

// stryker.conf.js
// ...
thresholds: {
high: 80,
low: 60,
// ...
// ...

Configuring these values will color mutation scores above 80% green, between 80 and 60% yellow and anything below 60% red. You can see an example of an html report based on stryker itself here.


Bugfixes this release:


Enjoy this new release! We're always happy with feedback, negative or positive.